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Promoted to Master Sergeant
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My life in the military began on November 1995, the day I left home to Be all that I can Be. This was the day I joined the United States Army and began my Basic Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. The days were long and hard, with very little sleep. Basic Training lasted for 8 weeks, until I got orders to report to Fort Eustis, Virginia for my military schooling on becoming a 68B, Aircraft Power-plant Repairer. The school lasted for 6 months on learning the ins and outs of every helicopter that the Army had in its inventory. When my training at the school house was completed, I received orders to Korea, where I would be station at Camp Humphrey for the next year. The year was 1996, and as a young private, I was leaving home across the globe to another world I never visit before. When I arrived, I was received by my unit, Bravo Company 2/52 Aviation Regiment. This is where I began to learn how to do my job as an Aircraft Power-plant mechanic. During my time at Camp Humphrey, I conducted martial arts classes for anyone who wanted to participate. I received many great students and friends, throughout my time in Korea. As I left Camp Humphrey, Korea, my journey within the military took me to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, where I stay at for the next three years between 1997- 2000. Thru my years at Fort Campbell, I moved up in the ranks as an E3/ PFC. During my time at Fort Campbell, I open another martial art class and began teaching soldiers and civilians. This is when I realized that I needed a name to symbolize who I am. One of my soldier thought of a name for me, which became Cinfu. This name stuck and instead of being called Cintron I was called Cinfu. When my time was up, I received orders back to Korea for another year. However, it was difficult to leave Fort Campbell due to many great close friends that I have the pleasure of knowing and sharing my life with. I arrived back in Korea at my new station, Camp Stanley in Oct 2000 as a newly promoted Sergeant. Being back in Korea, at Camp Stanley, allowed me to focus more on my martial arts, and redefined who I am and what I represented. My development in the martial arts and my military skills enhanced my life in becoming the person that I am today. On Sep 2001, I left Korea and arrived at my new duty station in Hawaii leaving the Army in 2006. I continued my military tradition as an Army National Guard Soldier, with HHC 298th Multifunctional Training Regiment (MFTR) and with HHD 103rd Troop Command. I recently moved from Hawaii to Kansas at which I now reside with the 2D BN 235th Regiment (MTB) as an Army Instructor. For the most part, I experienced many great adventures within the military, and continue my life with many more. Listed below are but some of the great adventure and responsibilities that I endure throughout my military career as becoming ARMY STRONG!!